The refinement of MBUX specifically for EQ is a particular highlight. In the high-resolution, ten-inch media display, the EQ tile in the main menu serves as a central point of access to the specific displays and settings. These include the charging current, departure time, energy flow and consumption histogram. The media display can also be used to operate the navigation and Mercedes me Charge functions, as well as the driving modes. One of the strengths of MBUX is its intelligent voice control with natural language comprehension, which is activated by the keyword “Hey Mercedes”. The voice control supports many infotainment functions (e.g. destination input, phone calls, music selection, writing and hearing messages, weather forecast), as well as numerous convenience functions such as climate control/lighting. And MBUX also applies its strengths in combination with the Mercedes me App outside the vehicle. EQV drivers can plan their destinations from the home or office, enter a departure time and bring the interior to the desired temperature.