Live from Ingolstadt: AUDI AG Annual Press Conference

The AUDI AG Annual Press Conference will offer further information on the corporate figures for 2012.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013, 10.00 a.m. (CET)
Audi Forum Ingolstadt

The live stream can be accessed at You can furthermore follow this link to integrate the event as a live stream on your own website.

You can also follow the Annual Press Conference as a live stream on the new Audi Communications Facebook page ( at and integrate it as embedded code if required. The stream will also be available to users of mobile end devices via the AudiMedia app. Information about the app and downloading instructions can be found at

Broadcasters can use the downlink to record the press conference – see the document for satellite coordinates. TV footage is available at, where there is also further information and photos as well as the online video for the AUDI AG Annual Press Conference.

If you are interested in the above, please contact Florian Otto in the TV Communications department (, tel: +49 841 89 47562).

Should you require on-site technical assistance regarding TV, web TV or radio productions, please contact Audi Communications.

Information for TV stations

Satellite Data “AUDI AG – Annual Press Conference”

Feed times

08:30 – 09:00 GMT (09:30-10:00 CET) Footage / 16:9
09:00 – 10:00 GMT (10:00-11:00 CET) Live transmission of the press conference / 16:9
12:00 – 12:30 GMT (13:00-13:30 CET)   “Best of …” / 16:9

Satellite: Astra 3B 23,5° Ost
Transponder (digital): Tp: 3.018, Slot: 3-4
Downlink Frequecy: 12.614,000 MHz
Polarisation: Y
Video Std: 1080i – HD-Feed
Modulation: DVB-S2 / 8PSK
AudioChannels: Channel 1: German, Channel 2: English

Symbol rate: 14.400 Msym/s
FEC: 3/4
MPEG: 4:2:2 / MPEG2
Encryption: Clear
Roll off: 25% 

Optimized by Optimole