Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (“Volkswagen”) announced a public offer to the shareholders of Scania Aktiebolag (“Scania”) to tender all shares in Scania to Volkswagen at a price of SEK 200 in cash per share, regardless of share class (the “Offer”). Volkswagen announced on 13 May 2014 that the Offer will be completed. Volkswagen has initiated compulsory acquisition of the remaining shares in Scania.
The shares tendered in the Offer up until the end of the second extension of the acceptance period on 5 June 2014, together with the shares already held or otherwise controlled by Volkswagen, amount to in aggregate 796,560,206 shares in Scania, comprising 398,721,189 A shares and 397,839,017 B shares, corresponding to 99.57 percent of the shares and 99.66 percent of the voting rights in Scania.
Volkswagen has decided not to further extend the acceptance period and does not intend to acquire shares in Scania outside the compulsory acquisition process.
Prior to announcement of the Offer, Volkswagen held or otherwise controlled in aggregate 501,089,097 shares in Scania, comprising 380,315,018 A shares and 120,774,079 B shares, corresponding to 62.64 percent of the shares and 89.18 percent of the voting rights in Scania.
At the end of the second extension of the acceptance period on 5 June 2014, the Offer had been accepted by shareholders representing in total 293,059,489 shares in Scania, comprising 18,395,230 A shares and 274,664,259 B shares, corresponding to 36.63 percent of the shares and 10.42 percent of the voting rights in Scania. Settlement for shares tendered during the second extension of the acceptance period up until 5 June 2014 is expected to take place on or around 17 June 2014.
In addition, Volkswagen has, as from 7 May 2014, during the first extension of the acceptance period, outside the Offer acquired in total 2,411,620 shares in Scania, comprising 10,941 A shares and 2,400,679 B shares, corresponding to 0.30 percent of the shares and 0.06 percent of the voting rights in Scania. None of these shares have been acquired at a price which exceeds the price in the Offer.
Volkswagen does not hold any financial instruments in Scania that provide a financial exposure equivalent to a holding of shares in Scania.