BMW Motorsport Director Jens Marquardt on the future of the DTM:
“After the announcement that Mercedes-Benz is going to leave the DTM
at the end of 2018, we promised the fans that we would fight for the
future of the DTM. We are working hard to do just that. We are
involved in intensive discussions with ITR chairman Gerhard Berger and
with manufacturers to develop a viable concept for the future, retain
the DTM as an attractive and innovative platform and continue to
provide fans with exciting motorsport in a top-level competitive environment.
We support the introduction of the so-called Class One regulations
and are prepared to equip DTM cars with extremely highly efficient and
more powerful four-cylinder turbo engines and reduced aerodynamics.
This would open the door for standardised, global regulations and
allow the DTM to drive on the same technical foundation as the cars in
the Japanese Super GT Championship, for example.
This concept would secure the future of the DTM, open it up
internationally, and make the whole platform more attractive. We would
welcome it if other manufacturers followed and would also commit to
the DTM.”