Volkswagen is Germany’s most attractive employer

Volkswagen is Germany’s most attractive employer. This is a result of a survey of about 13,000 people working in 17 sectors conducted by Focus news magazine and the Xing professional and career network.

The survey initially covered 820 companies with 1000 or more employees. Statisticians interviewed employees on experience with their employers via Xing, viewed opinions on the Internet and took awards into account.

In the second stage of the survey, 6300 employees from 17 sectors were asked for their assessment of employers. Participants could give assessments of their own employers and companies in the same sector on which they felt competent to voice an opinion. Following this stage, 379 companies were still in the running. Volkswagen took first place not only in its own sector but also in the survey as a whole.

“At Volkswagen, skilled workers and engineers, managers and Works Council members form a strong team. Our cars generate enthusiasm among our customers,” said Dr. Horst Neumann, Member of the Board of Management of Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft responsible for human resources. He underscored: “We offer our employees first-class training and a variety of development possibilities. Each individual employee can be sure that good performance and business success will pay at Volkswagen.”

Commenting on the study, the editor-in-chief of “Focus”, Jörg Quoos, said: “The strength of our survey is that we interview the people who know companies best, their employees.”

Each year, the Volkswagen Group recruits about 10,000 recent university graduates as well as more than 3,500 apprentices.

There are a variety of entry possibilities including the StartUp Direct and StartUp Cross trainee schemes, the program for doctoral students, direct entry for people with more than three years’ experience and opportunities for internships, study projects and undergraduate theses.

  Applicants from disciplines including the following have good prospects: Electric traction, lightweight design, vehicle electronics, mechatronics, electrical engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering, automotive engineering, sciences, industrial engineering and economics and business studies.

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