The Newest Face at VW – Drew

Hello, Volkswagen owners and fans! My name is Drew, and I’m excited to join the VW team to blog about our enthusiast activities. I’ll be attending numerous events throughout the year, where I hope to meet many of you in person and share experiences from across the United States. Translation: I just landed my dream job.

A little about me: I’m a car nut. In fact, I go through cars faster than most people go through undergarments. An admired family member once told me that always getting a new car is a sign of unhappiness. I took that seriously for an entire week–and what a miserable week that was. Fortunately, I bought a new car and immediately felt better.

I live in Los Angeles, where you can’t drive five feet without seeing a $100K+ car, and I often find myself thinking about what I would purchase if I had the means. By the way, those five feet in Los Angeles? That’s a twenty-minute drive. This is the price you pay for 70-degree weather in January.

My step-father taught me how to drive in his 1984 Porsche 944 5-speed; it came naturally after years of sitting in front of video games playing the latest versions of Need for Speed and Gran Turismo. From that point forward, I vowed that I would never be fulfilled by a car that didn’t have a third pedal, no matter how fancy the terminology, faster the shifts or higher the mpg. So as you can imagine, I’m very anxious to get my hands on the 2012 Golf R on some back road far from home. I know you are, too, which is why we’ll get along so well.

My current daily driver is a recently purchased 2010 GTI two-door, seen in the photo above. I couldn’t be happier with it; it’s the perfect mix of fun and luxury.

Prior to VW, my background was on the corporate side of automotive. Most recently, I’ve worked closely with TOP TIER gasoline and exotic cars, launching a new fuel and introducing a $200K+ supercar in North America. Needless to say, I have quite an eclectic mix of experience, but all with one common theme: cars.

Please say hello if you see me out at an event—I look forward to meeting you!

Tell me what you’d like to see more of on this blog—I‘ll do my best to accommodate you. I’ll push for vehicle walk-around videos, exclusive interviews with your questions in hand, and sneak peeks and drives of vehicles not yet on show floors.

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