Prime Minister Stephan Weil visits Volkswagen’s main plant in Wolfsburg


• Matthias Müller: “Thank you for showing your support for the team!”
• Tour of e-Golf production demonstrates that Volkswagen continues to stand
  for innovation and outstanding technology
• Weil, Müller und Osterloh jointly tour factory
• Müller: “We will realign Volkswagen: with leaner structures, a new culture of
  cooperation and technologies for the mobility of the future”

Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Stephan Weil visited Volkswagen’s main plant in Wolfsburg today. He was joined by the CEO of Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft, Matthias Müller, and the Chairman of the Group Works Council, Bernd Osterloh, on an itinerary which included a tour of production, where the visitors talked to employees and found out first-hand about current developments at the plant. Addressing Weil after the tour, Matthias Müller said: “Your visit to Wolfsburg underscores the close ties linking the State of Lower Saxony with Volkswagen and its workforce. Thank you for showing your support for the team!” Müller went on to say: “Our tour of e-Golf* production also demonstrated that Volkswagen continues to stand for innovation and outstanding technology – particularly as regards new drives, connectivity and digitization.”

The CEO reiterated his assurance that Volkswagen was working intensively on finalizing the technical solutions for its customers as quickly as possible. He added that efforts to uncover the full truth of what had happened were being systematically pursued. Müller commented: “That is the only way to learn the right lessons and avoid such misconduct in future.”

At the same time, the visit by the Prime Minister also touched on “how we can fundamentally realign Volkswagen: with leaner structures, with a new, open culture of cooperation, and with technologies for the mobility of the future. These issues will decide the future of our industry and the future of our Group. This is where we must not and will not let up”, Müller said.

Weil, Osterloh and Müller sent another important signal by talking at length to employees – particularly vocational trainees, the youngest members of the team.

At the end of the visit, the CEO commented: “The workforce here in Wolfsburg and at all the other sites works with great commitment and skill to develop and build the best vehicles for our customers. We are proud of that. And it is the foundation for making sure that Volkswagen continues to be a strong and successful company in future.”

*e-Golf power consumption in kWh/100 km: 12.7 (combined); CO2 emissions in g/km: 0 (combined); efficiency class: A+

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