New structure of Audi Communications

From technology to motorsports: Jörg Lindberg is now responsible for product communication. Antje Maas has been in charge of corporate communications since May. Jürgen De Graeve, her predecessor, is leaving Audi at the end of July as part of a retirement scheme after more than two decades in Communications. Dirk Arnold, Head of Audi Communications, said: “Jürgen De Graeve’s departure marks the retirement of a true stalwart. He is hugely respected by media representatives and in-house colleagues alike. We are immensely grateful for all he has done, and we wish him all the best for the future.”

Two departments – one new and another reorganized – went live on June 1: Richard Tigges heads up Reputation Management and Strategic Communications, while Peter Oberndorfer is in charge of “Editorial/Events” communications, which unites TV and Online Communications, events, photo services and the editorial office. Brigitte Urban has been responsible for Culture and Trends since March. Her successor in Neckarsulm, Ulla Wiesentheit, who also started in March, combines her role with speaking on site issues as head of the Audi Forum Neckarsulm. Stephan Öri remains in charge of the Audi Forum Ingolstadt, and Julio Schuback continues as head of Employee Communications.

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