Join our Winner’s Circle: Volkswagen’s 2011 Contingency Program

Some enjoy the normal hobbies while others find a whole new level of excitement behind the wheel of a VW. Volkswagen has always been a drivers car and every race weekend, youll find talented VW enthusiasts in the drivers seat competing all across the U.S.

Along with VWs belief in performance, weve got an ideal partner in the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA), Americas largest amateur motorsports association with more than 55,000 active members.

From getting your feet wet in autocrossing to road racing on leading tracks or the off-road excitement of RallyCross, the SCCA has great opportunities for amateurs and professionals alike. Racing happens year-round and can be as easy as registering your street or race vehicle, making a few safety updates, installing an SCCA graphics package and youre on your way to testing the limits behind the wheel of your VW.

In fact, if youre really good you can go from amateur to getting paid like a pro with VW contingency bucks. Last year, VW made over 400 contingency awards to VW enthusiasts winning in variety of disciplines. From aspiring amateurs to seasoned professional racers, VW has your back. Check out the chart below for race and series payouts:

While we cant find fault with you staying at home to watch the VW pros competing in the SCCA World Challenge on Versus, why not set the DVR and go out and make a bit of racing success on your own in your VW?

See you at the track

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