Great Engagement in Audi Volunteers’ Day: More than 300 Audi people involved in 43 projects

From Eichstätt to Ingolstadt to Neuburg/Schrobenhausen and Pfaffenhofen: No matter where, the participating Audi employees did their all in keeping with this year’s motto. Together with residents of the St. Elisabeth Caritas Senior Citizens Home, for example, they will go on a trip to the weekly market in Eichstätt and then stop for a pre-lunch drink. At the Wasserstern Zoo in Ingolstadt, volunteers will apply trowels and paint brushes during construction and paintwork. Others will accompany Hollerhaus residents to the Audi Museum Mobile and give individual guided tours through the museum. Even support for the youngest is not neglected on Audi Volunteers’ Day. In the St. Mauritius Kindergarten in Bergheim, Audi employees will actively help to build a playground with a barefoot path and a small wood workshop.

“Our employees are not slowing down with their voluntary commitment to projects and people in the region – they always put their heart and soul into Audi Volunteers’ Day. That makes us very proud,” says Audi Board of Management Member for Human Resources Wendelin Göbel. And Karola Frank, works council member and deputy chairwoman of the IG Metall trust-body management, adds: “On Volunteers’ Day, Audi people assume social responsibility in the region. We from the works council see this great commitment of our colleagues as a role model.”

Audi Volunteers’ Day is part of the Audi Matter of Honor initiative and takes place every year alternately at the two German sites in Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm, as well as at Audi Hungaria in Győr. The brand with the Four Rings thus assumes social responsibility and promotes and supports the social commitment of its employees. In addition to Volunteers’ Day, AUDI AG departments can support social projects in the region for one day all year round within the framework of Team Activities.

Note for the media: Current photos of Audi Volunteers’ Day 2019 will be available to download on Saturday, May 18 as of approximately 6 p.m. at

Here is a selection of the projects on Audi Volunteers’ Day:

St. Josef Caritas Senior Citizens’ Home in Ingolstadt
Audi employees and residents of the Gerolfingen senior citizens’ home will build a hut for runner ducks.
Location: Eichenwaldstr. 79, 85049 Ingolstadt

Hollerhaus Ingolstadt, Wolfgang Adler Home
Audi employees will visit the Audi Museum Mobile together with Hollerhaus residents.
Location: Gaimersheimerstr. 73a, 85049 Ingolstadt

Grünschnabel Integration Crèche and Blumenwiese Integration Nursery in Ingolstadt
The institution needs important everyday helpers in order to have the appropriate support with the children during the daily routine. For example, the volunteers will build wooden boxes to store garden toys or help with the design of motor-skill walls.
Location: Levelingstr. 7, 85049 Ingolstadt

Villa Kunterbunt Integration Crèche in Ingolstadt
Audi employees will help to redesign the garden house and a mud kitchen.
Location: Lannerstr. 5, 85057 Ingolstadt

Wasserstern Zoo in Ingolstadt
At the zoo, volunteers will help with general construction/conversion and demolition work.
Location: Aloisiweg 19, 85049 Ingolstadt

St. Elisabeth Caritas Senior Citizens’ Home in Eichstätt
Together with the residents of the nursing home, Audi employees will take a trip to the nearby weekly market, followed by a stop for a pre-lunch drink.
Location: Gundekarstr. 1, 85072 Eichstätt

AWO Senior Citizens’ Home in Neuburg
Senior citizens and Audi employees will organise a joint barbecue with the AWO’s assisted living group.
Location: Längenmühlweg 20, 86633 Neuburg

St. Mauritius Kindergarten in Bergheim
Audi employees will assist with the design of the playground. Among other things, a barefoot path and a timber construction site are to be created.
Location: Schulstraße 9½, 86673 Bergheim

Schatzkisterl Crèche in Pörnbach
The concrete wall of the nursery is to be redesigned. The first part of the wall has already been decorated by Audi employees, now the second part is to follow.
Location: Raiffeisenstr. 34, 85309 Pörnbach