Full year 2015: Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand delivers 5.82 million vehicles

Volkswagen Passenger Cars delivered 5.82 million vehicles to customers worldwide in the full year 2015. “The Volkswagen brand did a good job last year in the face of challenging conditions. Regional performance varied quite considerably due to market factors. Above all Europe, together with China, remain important pillars for sales,” explained Jürgen Stackmann, Member of the Board of Management of the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand responsible for Sales, Marketing and After-Sales, and added: “In 2016, we will continue to focus on winning back customers’ trust because customer satisfaction is and will remain one of our most valuable assets. At the same time we are optimizing our global selling power and stepping on the gas with new models.” He said the new Touran* was in the middle of the market launch phase, the new Tiguan* was lined up and ready to go. With the Beetle Dune* and the GTI Club Sport*, the brand was launching two really fun-to-drive models. Stackmann continued: “All Volkswagen employees are highly motivated and are working on shaping the future of this great automobile brand and continuing to build outstanding cars.”

The Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand delivered a total of 1.50 million vehicles in Western Europe in 2015, representing a rise of 4.7 percent. The brand recorded growth, sometimes quite significant, in Germany (+3.9 percent), Spain (+13.9 percent) and also Italy (+5.8 percent). Developments in Central and Eastern Europe were very mixed. While the situation in Russia proved challenging throughout the year (-38.8 percent), deliveries in countries such as the Czech Republic (+42.1 percent) and Poland (+8.5 percent) grew, in some cases quite strongly.

The brand delivered a total of 2.84 million units in the Asia-Pacific region in 2015. In China, its largest single market, the company returned to a positive trend in the last quarter, and also recorded a slight rise (+0.3 percent) in the month of December. Stackmann added: “That makes us optimistic we will be able to carry this momentum into the first quarter of 2016.”

Volkswagen Passenger Cars grew deliveries by 0.9 percent in North America in the full year. The slight decrease in the United States (-4.8 percent) contrasted with growth in Canada (+7.1 percent) and Mexico (+11.8 percent). The situation in the South America region remains tense. 458,200 vehicles were handed over to customers there in 2015. The challenging situation in Brazil (-38.0 percent) continues to dominate developments in this region.

Overview of deliveries by the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand:

* Touran Fuel consumption (in l/100 km): 5.6 – 4.4 (combined); CO2 emissions in g/km: 128 – 115 (combined); efficiency class: B, A
* Beetle Dune (Forecast value) Fuel consumption in l/100 km: 6.9 – 4.3 (combined); CO2 emissions in g/km: 161 – 112 (combined), efficiency class: D-A
* Golf GTI Club Sport Fuel consumption (in l/100 km): 7.0 – 6.9 (combined); CO2 emissions in g/km: 162 – 158 (combined); efficiency class: D
* Tiguan – There are not current values to the fuel consumption yet.

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