Eleven days, four matches and meetings galore with Asian fans: The 2017 Audi Summer Tour is packed with events. From July 16 to 28, “Bayern” will initially be touring China and Singapore in preparation for the new season. After 2012 and 2015, this marks the third visit by the squad and its officials to the “Middle Kingdom.”
The tour will start with two Audi Football Summits. On July 19, the team will be meeting with Arsenal London at the Shanghai Stadium. Three days later, on July 22, FC Bayern will be playing against AC Milan in Shenzen, a metropolis with a population of more than ten million. Finally, “Bayern” will be pitted against FC Chelsea and Inter Milan on July 25 and 27. Both matches will take place at the Singapore National Stadium as part of the worldwide “International Champions Cup” (ICC) tournament series that has been held since 2012.
The tour of Asia will include numerous other activities for the players. The professional footballers with the FC Bayern legends for example support the FC Bayern Youth Cup and will be meeting with regional fan clubs. Audi has been a partner of the club since 2002, has had a stake in FC Bayern München AG as a strategic partner since 2011, and is featured at home matches at the Allianz Arena. Players and officials travel in Audi models. With more than 6,000 members the “Audi Fanclub FC Bayern” is the world’s largest “Bayern” fan club.