BMW Group once again makes CDP list of world’s top companies. Important recognition in the field of climate protection.

The CDP Climate Score is widely recognised among experts and reflects
the highest degree of transparency in connection with implemented
climate-protection measures. These include ambitious objectives and
emissions reductions, as well as verification of reported data. The
listing recognises the credibility and, above all, the effectiveness,
of the measures introduced by the company in response to or to combat
climate change.


Ursula Mathar, head of Sustainability and Environmental Protection at
the BMW Group: “The BMW Group is delighted with its strong performance
in the CDP rating. Climate protection remains a central theme of our
sustainability strategy. It is especially important for a premium
automobile manufacturer to strive for continuous progress in emissions
from its products and production systems.”


Sustainability is implemented throughout the BMW Group’s value chain.
In 2001, the BMW Group committed itself to the United Nations
Environment Programme, the UN Global Compact and the Cleaner
Production Declaration. It was also the first company in the
automotive industry to appoint an environmental officer back in 1973.
Today, the Sustainability Board, comprising all members of the Board
of Management, defines the strategic alignment through binding
targets. Continuous development of this sustainability strategy is an
important element.


For more information on how the BMW Group implements sustainability,
go to