BMW Group Digitalization and IT Research Award. Company honours research in computer engineering.

Munich. The BMW Group was an early driving force for
the digital transformation of the automotive industry, responding
quickly to constantly changing customer needs. Today, the company is a
pioneer in the development of intelligent, connected and autonomous
vehicles, as well as integration of digital services. In the current
digital transformation, both the BMW Group and the automotive industry
benefit from ongoing research in the field of computer engineering.

The BMW Group is creating the Digitalization and IT Research Award to
pay tribute to outstanding contributions to research by independent
persons, research teams and institutions. The award recognises
ground-breaking research results in software development and
information technology in the areas of artificial intelligence, big
data, internet of things, cybersecurity, connectivity and autonomous driving.

BMW Group experts from various digital disciplines nominate potential
candidates, with the winner chosen by an in-house jury. The most
important criteria are that the research results have a practical
application and a positive impact on the BMW Group’s business processes.

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