Audi México’s ongoing strategy: management phase to take place on August 1

“Alfons Dintner knows the processes at the Mexico location thanks to having worked as Board Member for Production at VW de México,” commented Dr. Hubert Waltl, Audi Board Member for Production. “Dintner is a proven production expert and will get the new Q5 off to a successful start.”

A native of Hepberg (Bavaria), he is a precision engineering graduate of the Munich University of Applied Sciences. He started his career at AUDI AG in 1987 and was responsible for such projects as the Audi A1* launch at the Brussels plant. He moved to Volkswagen de México in 2011.

Thomas Sigi, AUDI AG Board of Management Member for Human Resources, remarked: “Audi is the first premium manufacturer to have a production location in Mexico. As an Audi man and a production expert with experience of working in Mexico, Alfons Dintner is predestined for this task.”

Dr. Hubert Waltl expressed his gratitude to Matthias Müller for his successful efforts in developing Audi México. Müller, who is moving to a senior position in Technical Development in Ingolstadt, has paved the way for the project’s success.

Fuel consumption of the models named above:
Audi A1:

Combined fuel consumption in l/100 km: 7.3 – 3.8 (32.2 – 61.9 US mpg);
Combined CO2 emissions in g/km: 168 – 99 (270.4 – 159.3 g/mi)

Audi Q5:
Combined fuel consumption in l/100 km: 8.5 – 4.9 (27.7 – 48.0 US mpg);
Combined CO2 emissions in g/km: 199 – 129 (320.3 – 207.6 g/mi)

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