“The Audi Technology Magazine impressed us with its outstanding reporting and its consistent pictorial language,” explained the jury with regard to its decision. The magazine, which makes “Vorsprung durch Technik” tangible in exciting background stories and with fascinating insights into the automobile manufacturer’s research laboratories, has thus won the gold award for the third time in succession.
This year, Encounter was the winner of the highly competitive “B2C Automotive” section, in which the customer magazines of some of Audi’s competitors were also listed. Encounter appears twice a year and can also be accessed online. The magazine mainly targets journalists, as well as customers of the brand with four rings.
The jury was also convinced by the app for the Audi Annual Report. Videos, specials, picture galleries and podcasts produced especially for the app provide users with clear added value and link the exciting stories from the print version with the digital Audi world via augmented reality.
Forum Corporate Publishing has been presenting the BCP Award since 2003. The leading CP publishing house and agencies from Germany, Austria and Switzerland commission a jury of 150 experts from the areas of journalism, art direction, marketing and corporate communications to identify the strongest of more than 700 submissions. In 2014, a total of nine Audi publications were shortlisted as potential winners.