Audi employees to participate in successful year 2013

For the second time therefore, Audi employees will receive the Audi profit share, which replaced the previous extended profit-sharing system in 2012. The Audi subsidiaries in Germany and abroad have their own arrangements for profit sharing. “With a total of 1.46 million automobiles, we produced and delivered to customers more last year than ever before, and we managed to do that in an increasingly challenging and economically fluctuating competitive environment,” stated Board of Management Member for Human Resources Thomas Sigi. “We achieved this success thanks to the commitment and exceptional efforts of our employees. They fully deserve their participation in the company’s success.”

Peter Mosch, Chairman of the General Works Council, also emphasized the workforce’s exceptional team performance: “2012 was an enormously challenging year in which the entire workforce once again delivered a top performance. With the Audi profit share, the success of the company also becomes the personal success of our colleagues.”

A key element of the Audi profit share is the strengthening of the company pension: For employees covered by collective wage agreements, the company will recognize an addition to its retirement pension obligation of up to €1,000 per employee out of the profit share. Employees who take advantage of this pension offer will also receive an employer-financed additional benefit of up to €100. “We want to help our employees to secure their future better,” pointed out Sigi. Many members of the workforce already took advantage of this offer last year. “We have recognized the pension-related issues and the Works Council advises the employees to participate in private and company pension plans. The new profit-sharing arrangement makes it possible to close the forecast pension gaps,” added Mosch. If desired, the employees can also have the pension component paid out.

In the year 2012, Audi employed approximately 5,800 new employees – more than ever before in one year. More than 2,950 of these new recruits started work at the two German sites in Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm. That total includes approximately 1,600 experts, 27 percent of whom are women, who will strengthen the strategic areas of lightweight construction and electric mobility or will support the development of new sites. It also includes more than 600 skilled workers and over 700 new apprentices and trainees. For the year 2013, AUDI AG plans new recruitment of approximately 1,500 person in Germany alone. In addition, about 700 young people will start an apprenticeship or traineeship at Audi.

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