The Volkswagen Group is holding Welcome Days in Wolfsburg for 194 new HR employees. The participants come from 17 different countries. The three-day event will give them an opportunity to get to know Group headquarters, to establish contacts and to exchange experience with top HR experts in their area of work.
Dr. Horst Neumann, Member of the Board of Management of Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft responsible for HR, said: “At the Welcome Days, we are welcoming new personnel from throughout the world. This fosters cooperation and the exchange of knowledge. During the HR Welcome Days, experts will explain the basic model of HR work at Volkswagen to the new employees. This model includes the principle that experienced personnel from the vocational groups should transfer their knowledge to new employees.”
During the Welcome Days, specialist presentations by experts will provide information on knowledge transfer and further training, industrial relations, codetermination at Volkswagen, health promotion and overseas assignments. Tours of the plant and the Autostadt are also planned.
The participants have travelled to Wolfsburg from Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, the Czech Republic, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, India, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain and the USA. The new HR employees include economists, graduates in the humanities and social sciences, lawyers, psychologists and engineers.
New sales, marketing and after-sales employees already came to Wolfsburg for the first Welcome Days at the beginning of June. From June 26 to 28, new production employees will also have a chance to visit Group headquarters. The Welcome Days for procurement are to be held on July 9 and 10.